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justmeh15 t1_j4v9j6d wrote

how are the switches if you dont mind, I've been eyeing them for a while now


coolmultitool OP t1_j4vaqu2 wrote

Have just been using them, but liking them so far. A lot less wobble with SA caps on them. Pretty snappy. Good sound. I didn't lube them, just trying them as is and I'm quite happy with them so far.


justmeh15 t1_j4vb1i8 wrote

im rocking U4 switches on my work keyboard and im stunned at how good they are, thinking of getting the U4T or U4Tx for a different home build.


coolmultitool OP t1_j4vbefi wrote

also got U4T's and Bobagum Linears, really liking Gazzew's stuff.


justmeh15 t1_j4vcbse wrote

he does great work for sure, genuinely love the U4s the most among all the switches I've gotten to try