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fourtys t1_j1i660l wrote

why do you have so many?


cheswickFS OP t1_j1i68ik wrote

foma, like the designs and its more or less a one time chance to grab them :D


fourtys t1_j1i6x5u wrote

what?! you are afraid you wont find a deskmat you like later in life so you bought 40?


OhHaex t1_j1i7k68 wrote

probably variety to change up the setup


JDBCool t1_j1il03c wrote

Or maybe have enough mats so that when you get a nice PC case, you have more options.

Really sucks when a case you want is no longer made/unreasonably inflated


wenoc t1_j1jh6o4 wrote

Yes we know but that doesn’t answer why.


OhHaex t1_j1jzlp2 wrote

>and its more or less a one time chance to grab them


wenoc t1_j1k001p wrote

Yes, we know that but why? Why is it important to grab another desk mat when you already have one? It doesn't answer the why.


NotAFrackingCylon t1_j1kityn wrote

Because they might want one to match a different keyboard/desk setup later on, even if they won’t use it right now.

I agree that it seems like overkill but are you really so dense that you can’t comprehend this?


QWERKey-UK t1_j1l9x7x wrote

>Yes, we know that but why? Why is it important to grab another desk mat when you already have one? It doesn't answer the why.

Why is it so important to know why? He likes them. They're not that expensive really. Cheaper than a tank of gas. People like to collect things. Why are you picking on the poor guy?


Borpon t1_j1k3ja1 wrote

Because they feel compelled by FOMO.


majlo t1_j1lipyt wrote

Wdym, 40 is not even one per week!!!1


jaymwtsn t1_j1n2bjj wrote

I bought a art once and I never needed another one because I already had one.


fourtys t1_j1n3i6j wrote

i put my desk mats in the washing machine and they easily last 2+years before looking shady


RandomDelta06 t1_j1iawqp wrote

Damn bro, you got more deskmats than i have clothes!


Cuxton t1_j1io8tm wrote

if youre skinny enough you can wear them as a skirt.


krd25 t1_j1jjrs5 wrote

Pencil skirt central 🤣


Nicholas_Peterman t1_j1i4j1o wrote

Just curious, how many are they? 40?


cheswickFS OP t1_j1i4yop wrote

something about 75 I guess


gayfolk t1_j1ifl57 wrote

Wtf. You don't need this much bro it doesn't matter how much disposable income you got.


krzf t1_j1ifw4b wrote

Gotta consume those resources to get that dopamine hit bruh


JagdTeaguer t1_j1k3qoq wrote

If you groupbuy keycap sets you then must buy the matching deskmat and artisan. It's the rules.


CharcoalGurl t1_j1ip0v4 wrote

Dude I have seen people spend thousands on cards that never get touched. Electronics that gather dust in closets among other things. In fact shoe closets are a great example too. Buy vehicles that sit in garages 364 days a year.

If they are happy with spending THEIR money on something they enjoy then who cares? You arent the one looking at this everyday, they are and I betcha they smile at it.

OP keep being you, I honestly think this is dope and love you storage dedication to it. You have given me ideas for my own storage ideas.


LuisFontinelles t1_j1kkpmj wrote

this is not healthy for him. Basing dopamine on material things is not good for the his mental healthy


CharcoalGurl t1_j1klsu9 wrote

Are they going financially broke? Idk but if they arent who cares? What is the difference between collecting cards, coins, stamps, videogames, watches, cars, boats, collages, jewelry, keyboards, art, buttons, merchandise, toys, bottles, antiques, furnitures, weapons, armour, perfumes, rugs, or etc?

Like seriously how is collecting ANYTHING bad? Is the person consumed by buying them? Again not sure but they mentioned they spend about £30 per in another comment so they arent breaking the bank with this. I have seen people spend $200 on a cardboard card and you know what? Good for them. If they were breaking bank I would be worried, if collecting cards was their only passion in life, sure be worried.

Dopamine comes in many forms and as long as you are not trying to find it like a druggie, who the fuck cares? Yall make this person seem like they are some crazy person because instead of collecting "normal" things, they collect something different.

You telling me you don't collect anything? Cause honestly good for you! I am glad you could find happiness in other means but some people find SOME dopamine in collecting.


LuisFontinelles t1_j1kxgxi wrote

from the beginning it was already clear that you did not understand the point of my argument. Collecting is not a problem, I for example have 4 pads, a Control L, speed L and 2 xl aesthetics.
I don't care, nobody cares, I don't know the OP. The point is, basing happiness on junk is not psychologically heealth. And more than that, I don't collect anything, maybe you have this capitalist (maybe American) idea of ​​having a lot of unnecessary, expensive and exclusive things, socially normalized in you


QWERKey-UK t1_j1lakac wrote

>basing happiness on junk is not psychologically heealth

How do you know he bases his happiness on this? Stop being judgemental.


LuisFontinelles t1_j1lfjm1 wrote

Does he buy to be sad? Buy just to buy? If he buys it, it's because he is happy with the purchase (this is not a problem, unless it becomes an addiction).


QWERKey-UK t1_j1likrj wrote

So do you only buy things you need, and never buy anything for pleasure?


busy-little-b t1_j1lrmqa wrote

bro he's not saying not to buy for pleasure, he's saying that some moderation is necessary because accumulating the same things can become a little absurd at some point.


tytbalt t1_j1xaw6i wrote

In another comment, he admitted he buys out of fomo


QWERKey-UK t1_j1xknla wrote

So? You're judging people, and making assumptions about them when it's none of your business.


tytbalt t1_j1xsc89 wrote

I'm not the commenter you replied to, but I do have experience with shopping addiction.


QWERKey-UK t1_j1xtgok wrote

You seemed to be saying that FOMO is relevant when judging whether someone bases happiness on buying things. Not necessarily so. Many people who collect things feel it. It doesn't mean anything. I once spent way too much money on a set of vintage skateboard trucks, and felt a need to collect at least one set of every Kryptonic skateboard wheel ever made. They have no bearing on my overall happiness, but I just had to have them. Now I have them, I know I am preserving a little bit of history, and I must admit to just getting them out once in a while, and just looking at them. Months can go by without giving them a single thought... but at the time, FOMO was a massive thing while I was on the look out for them.

Many psychologists equate collecting to the hunting instinct that is latent in all of us, and exercising it can be just as healthy as it can be unhealthy.


tytbalt t1_j1ydbnh wrote

>Many psychologists equate collecting to the hunting instinct that is latent in all of us

Lol, save the evolutionary psych nonsense. Fomo on rare occasions isn't necessarily a bad thing, but if it becomes the driving force in purchasing things (like every mat that is a limited release), then you're no longer buying things for the pleasure of owning them, but to avoid the anxiety of not buying them. That's where people get into trouble. Negative reinforcement can be very effective at continuing a behavior like shopping. Speaking from experience, I look at OP and worry.


QWERKey-UK t1_j1ym6hd wrote

>Lol, save the evolutionary psych nonsense.

(shrug) If that's what you think it is.

Anything can form addictive behaviours, even things that for most people would seem quite innocuous. It's not the activity itself that is dangerous, but the underlying condition that leads to that behaviour. Basically, someone with a proclivity for addictive behaviour will usually find something to feed that addiction. Millions of people all over the world collect things avidly, feel FOMO when they see things, and do not suffer any psychological harm from doing so. I appreciate that your perspective has been coloured by your own personal experience, but I really don't think the OP has a problem. He sounds quite sanguine about the whole thing, and from what he says, seems to have a disposable income to support his collection, so I would not worry unduly.


CharcoalGurl t1_j1lp5kz wrote

Dude I clearly don't know what you are saying. So you can collect but if you get dopamine from it, it is now unhealthy?

If you don't care then why say that about dopamine? Like you make it sound like the moment you become happy with collecting, it is now unhealthy. Like I agree that if someone ONLY gets happy from buying then yeah, gotta step back and look at that, but you are seeming to make a blanket statement. The moment I am happy from collecting, now it is unhealthy.

Like I said, cool that you don't collect. I actually collect electrical junk so I can reuse them for other purposes. Do I have a closet full? No I got like 2 shelves of it, so is this unhealthy? Because I get a dopamine hit from finding junk and thinking of all the parts I can use it for OR thinking of why it is broken? You know what I got for Christmas? A soldering mat so I didn't accidentally melt my table as easily.

Like seriously WHAT are you trying to say since clearly I am not getting it. Like collecting is bad because you get dopamine hits? Like collecting is a drug? Dude I earn my money and can use it how I like. If you don't care about what OP collects then why make the statement? I feel like you are trying to be holier than thou but you arent. I am really happy that you dont really collect, I really am. But just let people be happy in their own way. As long as they arent causing harm (physically, financially, mentally, etc) then what problem ARE they having?


QWERKey-UK t1_j1laigw wrote

>this is not healthy for him. Basing dopamine on material things is not good for the his mental healthy

You are making assumptions about the OP. Collecting things is not really bad for your mental health. Would you say the same for someone who collects postage stamps?


QWERKey-UK t1_j1lab0t wrote

>Wtf. You don't need this much bro it doesn't matter how much disposable income you got.

People like to collect things. I don't see why it bothers you. Deskmats are cheaper than a tank of gas. They are cheaper than a bottle of decent whisky. They are cheaper than a meal in a restaurant. They are cheaper than a night out in a night club. They are cheaper than most video games.Stop judging people because they spend their money in a different way than you.


wenoc t1_j1jhgaw wrote

A person that collects desk mats doesn’t have an income. They have rich parents who have no idea this is where their money goes.


BadPWG t1_j1jirhp wrote

That’s pretty judgmental


wenoc t1_j1jitd3 wrote

It’s true


cheswickFS OP t1_j1jzs04 wrote

im 26, working my ass off since im 14, managed to buy(took a loan) my first appartement with 21years old without any money from my partens or someone else :) I was just lucky to hit a way to good paying job afterwards and keept buying real estate.


_Hero4Fun_ t1_j1jzj71 wrote

You don't know them so don't act like you do.


QWERKey-UK t1_j1lavf3 wrote

>It’s true

Is it? It's TRUE that anyone who collects deskmats has rich parents? That's true is it? There's something not quite right with you. The OP has already been bullied into explaining himself because of idiots like you, and you were wrong. He's earned his money, and the right to spend it on whatever the fuck he wants, so stop being a judgemental prick.


hawk5656 t1_j1k22sn wrote

Bruh, deskmats are like $25 on average, you have no clue what filthy rich parents looks like


QWERKey-UK t1_j1laqhs wrote

>A person that collects desk mats doesn’t have an income. They have rich parents who have no idea this is where their money goes.

And you know this how exactly? Do you know the OP? You're all over this thread criticising the OP. Anyone would think you are jealous ;) For all you know, he could just have a disposable income he enjoys spending on a hobby that gives him pleasure. Why are you so judgemental of others?


midnightsnacks t1_j1if4hd wrote

What the best way to wash mats, I have a couple that got some food stains I wanna get rid of


wolfyne t1_j1ifblx wrote

Depends on the mat, but some will let you wash them in a washing machine. I worry about them warping, so I've had great success putting them flat in a bath and using gentle carpet cleaner (the spot cleaner type in a bottle), spray down in the bath/shower and let it dry flat.


BWEKFAAST t1_j1iu440 wrote

Thats what I do and my matt gets really dirty because I roll joints and smoke cigaretts at my desk. This works really well cleaning a desk matt.


eye_gargle t1_j1l8na5 wrote

Just to add onto this, make sure you are very careful when washing mouse pads. If you scrub or use too much force, or any force at all even, you can very easily damage the surface causing a completely worse tracking experience with your mouse (inconsistent and slow dragging). This happened a couple times with my cloth Zowie G-SR pads. You also want to use room temperature or lukewarm water.


darkfearhunter t1_j1igcc9 wrote

Personally I use dawn dish soap and a scrub brush. Works great on most mats. Just have to be careful around the edging as the bristles will catch on the stitching.


snakesarecool t1_j1jcys4 wrote

Dishsoap in the bathtub, gently scrubbing with a soft sponge. This got most of the skin oil and hot coco stains out. I did a second wash and let it soak in a detergent meant for antique textiles (I use for antique fabric, etc). A soak overnight got the rest of the coffee and curry stains out. Would likely work with the dish soap as well, but I wanted to try the textile soap. The curry stains appeared to remain a little when it was wet (likely oil), but can't be seen when dry.


independencepass t1_j1l3ctg wrote

Lay flat in a tub, put some dish soap on it, scrub with a wash cloth and rinse with room temp water. I hang mine over the shower rod over night to dry.


AdelesCat t1_j1iaa8k wrote

Goals. I have 8 mats currently but they are fun to collect. Do you have a top 3?


tytbalt t1_j1je7z4 wrote

r/shoppingaddiction vibes


wenoc t1_j1jh90y wrote

This is one of the stupid uses of money I have ever seen.


bstag t1_j1jzxu0 wrote

What hobby is this?

Wait no I need 4g more spring weight. Let me try the P bump vs the D bump. Thousands of dollars later I can still type.


QWERKey-UK t1_j1lb9gs wrote

>This is one of the stupid uses of money I have ever seen.

So many salty posts from you in this thread. What exactly is your problem?


lambchoplives t1_j1j328r wrote

so when do you show this to a date


cheswickFS OP t1_j1j39kl wrote

They are mostly impressed and happy for me I enjoy an hobby, so far this wasn’t a problem


DrTurb0 t1_j1jg10h wrote



btgrant76 t1_j1je8fz wrote

I’ve never seen mats stored this way other than your pics & had a pretty good guess whose post I was looking at. Happy holidays!


infvme t1_j1j8zdg wrote

Ayoo My man got whole fucking closet for the mats


AliAlex3 t1_j1j03x0 wrote

Dang, a hoarder lol


n0p36725 t1_j1jcdtq wrote

And I thought I was starting to get a good gmk collection. Damn bruh my 4 sets are put to shame.


DrTurb0 t1_j1jgsko wrote

I collect Rubik’s cubes (and similar puzzles/shapes) and knifes. Yeah it’s not something that everyone appreciates. Have fun with your collection! I am definitely impressed and would love to have a look at every one of them and your story about each one (when was it sold, for what occasion and how long and how many were produced etc)


AustinYQM t1_j1kmmcq wrote

A good hand crafted wooden puzzle box gives a high better than coke. I see you brother in "oh fuck I have to jiggle it this way". I see you.


heyoitsJuice t1_j1jju4j wrote

Nice collection! ngl I think that's a pretty ingenious way of utilizing a rack and I might consider doing something like that in the future if I end up with a few more deskmats.


smoloms t1_j1jlrk2 wrote

now show us what your wardrobe looks like


LuisFontinelles t1_j1jnqaz wrote

This is not healthy. consumerism is not cool


cheswickFS OP t1_j1jzzlr wrote

if your in ur mid 20, dont have kids, a way to good paying job, and enough money left after paying anything and saving a lot of money each months this is pretty healthy


LuisFontinelles t1_j1kk8z1 wrote

the question is not whether to have money or not, to keep money or not. Basing happiness and conquers on material things in this way isn't healthy


QWERKey-UK t1_j1lcdr3 wrote

>Basing happiness and conquers on material things in this way isn't healthy

What makes you think he bases his happiness on this? Some people just like collecting things as a hobby. Deskmats are actually cheap. Less than a tank of gas. (shrug).


oni_strech t1_j1lgkyn wrote

Finally I have a picture to prove to my wife that amount of stuff I have is NOTHING! Thanks man.


ghostingcaps t1_j1i8i1r wrote

Impressive. Not something I’d ever collect, but impressive nonetheless


Aliferous_Wolf t1_j1j5dtk wrote

I see some good ones in there good taste


OmegaZero55 t1_j1jkm9y wrote

I love your storage setup. I need to get myself a storage solution like this.


thealterlion t1_j1jw9dm wrote

first of all, impressive, second of all, why


Cirillion t1_j1keuft wrote

All the hate needs to move on. It’s like they don’t have a collection of keyboards.. do you OP!! I love it. Pants hanger nice touch.


Razer334 t1_j1kk0o1 wrote

Damn quite the collection. Impressive. Still waiting on mercury65 I ordered 1 year ago


avant610 t1_j1kngag wrote

Out of curiosity if you could only keep one, which would it be? Or your top 5?


hetnai88 t1_j1ksv6f wrote

First thing that caught my eye was arch, and I don't mean the gmk set haha


AZDpcoffey t1_j1kwv8l wrote

In the early 2000’s we would have said,

“Save some pu$$y for the rest of us.”


th-grt-gtsby t1_j1kzw1s wrote

Ok. Now show us your cupboard with keyboards.


iShotTheShariff t1_j1lfbe0 wrote

The level of insanity of this is quite inspiring. Makes me think I should have a few mats on hand to swap. Thanks for the idea!


morbiiq t1_j1likhb wrote

This nutbag is my people


lexasp t1_j1lnvi8 wrote

If you ever run out of place, I can offer to store some of them on my desk.

Jokes asides, nice collection!


gandroider t1_j1lvy4m wrote

Men needs hobby/ies .. I just knew that collecting deskmats is one of them. Kudos!


WellyToss t1_j1j4u13 wrote

I want a set of Olivia, lucky dude.


coalxxx t1_j1j4vqb wrote

hell yeah


hanadecks t1_j1j5s4w wrote

are those pants hangers? let me know what style i should look up, i would like to hang my deskmats up lol


tbnrjagster t1_j1j8l2p wrote

I wish I would've just done this. When Team Liquid had their akatsuki merch, I sat on buying the Itachi mousepad for so long. But didn't buy it, and then it was sold out. I was so sad.


hawk5656 t1_j1jznua wrote

Do u sell any of ur sets?


dixius99 t1_j1kiydo wrote

Do you have any suggestions re: favourite brand? I bought one desk mat off of Amazon, just something plain, and I really don't like it.


tact1l3 t1_j1kyyd2 wrote

You need to get outside man.


tharol20000 t1_j1l4u34 wrote

How do I clean an rgb dekpad


suchjonny t1_j1ijk9e wrote

Need some support for that shelf, my guy.


etn261 t1_j1k8ako wrote

You have a problem, sir/ma'am!


zrisky t1_j1kxq82 wrote

This is just gross consumerism at its worst.


PawgLover007 t1_j1m39vu wrote

First stage of having a problem is being able to admit it... get some help.


DarkKratoz t1_j1lw9rz wrote

Therapy has got to be cheaper
