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CertainlyBright OP t1_ixz8jxk wrote

+1 i would like to be in the loop. where is my dreamscape :(


ratchet7474 t1_ixzrmge wrote

get on the vala discord server if that was your vendor. also, if you bought a luxe cable, get a refund or chargeback if he doesn't respond. The guy stopped making cables and doesn't plan to fulfill them. KBD dreamscape cables have been or will be fulfilled


CertainlyBright OP t1_ixzsqc1 wrote



MechNoob251 t1_iy0q7j6 wrote

dude has not been in the loop. When I join a gb I make sure I'm in that discord server before I hit buy and ask around about whatever questions I have. You can't instantly trust any gb since purchase protection is non existent in all of them no matter what you pay through.