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WozNZ t1_iwkb01q wrote

Reply to comment by Stumpy-_- in We Need More 75s by QWERKey-UK

It is standard for the internet, no?

From experience there are too many people that when someone says something that does not sit with their view they take it as a personal insult for some insane reason :)

Sort of "How dare you not like 60%, that is my favourite" click down lol

Won't be the 100% crowd, there are like 5 of us and I am one of them in here and engaged in the discussion so that only leaves 4 others and they are occupied looking for a 100% kit to build


QWERKey-UK OP t1_ix0tqoz wrote

>Won't be the 100% crowd, there are like 5 of us

LOL. That actually DID make me laugh out loud... not just type LOL.