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QWERKey-UK t1_ixy3mfg wrote

I'm just me. Diplomacy has never been one of my strengths LOL.

Re: the other sub. It's not their behaviour in their own sub that I refer to, but their behaviour in here. There was an issue when they set up the sub, when people from there used to brigade like fuck in here. They would pounce on any newcomer's thread and tell them they would not be welcome in here unless they had an expensive board, and then use the opportunity to tell them they'd be more welcome in their sub instead. If you read their rules, you will see that their attitude is in fact so anti-elitist, it's actually elitist. One of their rules is no group buys for instance, even though some of the best budget oriented keyboards of the past year have been group buys. Inverse snobbery, which is just as bad as what they accuse people in here of doing.

I'm not suggesting you should stay away from anything. There's definitely a remit to that sub though that is not necessarily just budget keyboards. It's also redundant; The vast majority of boards posted in THIS sub, are budget oriented boards.