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Psychological-Bug552 t1_ixy0sol wrote

I saw that last week and upvoted every question because of it.

It's like people here are actively trying to keep the hobby small. My motorcycle people are out there grabbing everyone we can get.


LovingKindnessBot t1_ixzrzwv wrote

I don't understand the motivation behind gatekeeping.


MechNoob251 t1_iy0qir9 wrote

the people who do it probably won't even be able to tell you why, but it only harms the hobby and those already in it. We need more consumers to lower prices and improve wait times.


hungryyelly t1_iy9yzo6 wrote

Yeah, it can be really frustrating with the more niche communities. There's always some jackass who downvotes everything no matter what. The other thing that makes my blood boil is when people just tell you to "GoOgLe It" like motherfucker I most likely already did which is why I'm fucking asking now. This is why I stopped asking questions especially in the r/sffpc sub


Psychological-Bug552 t1_iya5zoi wrote

Interesting sub. I would have expected small to be smaller than most of what I saw. We have some mac mini sized computers at work, and every now and then, I bounce the idea of getting one for home because it would take up less space on my desk than the laptop. These are all still too big.

It sucks they're like that too. I think PC building is harder for a noob than keyboards. Most stuff is plug-in-play here, and if it's not, it's solder and play. There's not much that's straight-up not compatible.


GuyFromDeathValley t1_ixyfuls wrote

to be fair though, some motorcycle people can be elitist as well.. I got lots of shit and not so great comments just because my bike is a 125ccm.. its annoying and why I left that sub.