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nakaru t1_iy21ivy wrote

for a second I thought this was going to be a software update so I can do more with my knob. Sadge.


LoganJFisher OP t1_iy22fol wrote

Aww, sorry.

I'm now considering buying the 008, and the limited functionality of the knob is definitely a downer. I'd love to use it just to switch between layers. I already have a volume scroll wheel that I quite like on my ControlPad.


xaephan t1_iy2gca2 wrote

They also announced something like a sub-division called Monsgeek, which is coming out with something very similar to the Mod007s in mid/late December. I wonder if that's the v3 they mean, or they're actually going to do two boards which seem pretty much identical?

Edit: Ah, or they could be referring to the PC version that someone talked about on here a little bit ago. Strange move if they're making Mod007 plastic from now on and moving their aluminum boards to the other brand...


LoganJFisher OP t1_iy2hnab wrote

Ugh, that keyboard sounds amazing. I just wish it wasn't south facing. It's so rare for north-facing to result in conflicts anymore as most decent switches have long stems, so it's just taking a loss on the LED lighting for nothing.

Also wish it came in their midnight blue.


LoganJFisher OP t1_iy2mlby wrote

Sure, but if you're going to have LEDs on the PCB, they should probably be put to good use, right? Even if most keycaps don't support shine through, it's silly to ignore those that do.


TheTuna_IsArmed t1_iy2zvxv wrote

Unrelated but, Yo another person in the keyboard hobby named Logan, this is a good day


ConcreteSnake t1_iy48hkx wrote

If you need a 007v2 S, send me a DM. It’s a good board, but I just have too many πŸ˜‚


ConcreteSnake t1_iy4b1u4 wrote

Ah, yeah unfortunately the custom space is pushing all these companies to use south facing when it’s not really needed anymore and it’s objectively worse lighting. Best of luck on your hunt


LoganJFisher OP t1_iy4cgjn wrote

Thank you! I've been saying this for a while and get constant pushback on it.

All enthusiast-tier switches made at this point have longer stems to avoid north-facing conflicts. Can't speak to your basics like Cherry and Gateron switches, but the people buying these boards aren't using those anyways. It makes no sense to still make PCBs be south-facing.


rafale77 t1_iy5zxhy wrote

You took a lot of downvotes there (I tried to compensate a bit) in spite of making total sense. Lots of people here are so deep in their rabbit hole and have so much confirmation bias that they can't bear to hear the truth.

South facing is not just a problem for shine through keycaps which many will argue are rare and of poor mostly poor quality. I found a couple which are actually very decent but I admit they are rare. South facing is also horrible for keyboard lighting pattern between the keycaps. It is gross to the point where it makes any lighting of the keyboard practically unusable: The bottom row shines blinds you while the second row is darker than the first and third etc... I completely understand if the board has no LED but selling that as a "feature" like what so many brands like Keychron and now Akko do makes me want to vomit.

All this for what benefit? Compatibility with expensive but defective keycaps called GMK which use a low profile design yielding poor sounds solved by thickening of the keycaps and creating some marginal interference with some specific switches. That's the definition of a rabbit hole right there... Nearly everyone in the community keep on repeating what they have heard ("South facing is better and for enthusiasts") without trying it for themselves. I tested it for myself with a lot of Cherry profile caps and the interference is extremely rare and very easily solved in multiple fashion. The South facing boards trend is the result of a phenomenon of mass stupidity.

I too have been looking for a quality aluminum keeb which to my chagrin doesn't or no longer exist because every enthusiast keeb now is south facing. I ended up having to build my own...


LoganJFisher OP t1_iy6175x wrote

My alpha and arrow keycaps are solid stainless steel with shine through (through a piece of plastic inside acting as a diffuser). I dare anyone to say they're of poor quality. Haha.


rafale77 t1_iy63lbk wrote

We might be using the same keycaps... They are thockier than any plastic ones will ever be. ;-)

I even got a larger set than the alphas and am having some other backlit metal caps custom made. Planning to showcase the final product after I get them.


LoganJFisher OP t1_iy64jta wrote

I would love to get matching caps for the number row, grave/tilde, minus/underscore, equal/plus, bracket left/curly bracket left, bracket right/curly bracket right, semicolon/colon, apostrophe/quote, comma/angled bracket left, period/angled bracket right, forward slash/question mark, and backslash/vertical bar keys. Steel for all the typable symbols.


rafale77 t1_iy65q4u wrote

I pulled mine from a keyboard:

Do a search on Amazon for "Gamcap keyboard".
If you want other colors, I think Hallsen is the other brand.

They keyboard suck but the keycaps are from the same manufacturer as the Teamwolves.