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QWERKey-UK t1_iwfkk79 wrote

>I’m just curious that this might be why people are zapping the board.

Unlikely, as if it was caused by this it would be dead upon building it. The guy who posted yesterday zapped a fully built, working board that was in daily use.

Also, there's only been one post of a zapped Space, so it may not be widespread. (shrug)


plat1776 OP t1_iwflp3m wrote

I’m no scientist and have no evidence to say otherwise. Could all just be a fluke. I just find the topic fascinating :)


QWERKey-UK t1_iwfmc1d wrote

The OP (of the other thread) described getting a static shock off his case, and the board instantly died, so it was definitely ESD that killed it. If you mean was it just some weird fluke event that was a combination of rare, unlikely circumstances that would be difficult to repeat? Sure.... no reason why not, but it does show that the board is not as well hardened against ESD as it could be.


Carpentry_Accident t1_iwgsorv wrote

I disagree. There’s actually been a LOT of complaints about ESD ever since the PE foam mod took off. It was an accepted risk of the mod but now that it comes stock with some boards I suppose more people are having the issue.