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Impossible_Finger_79 t1_ix3l7i7 wrote

Elon is an African phone scammer. Fun facts.

Tesla is a complete fraud… 100% paid for by California taxpayers…

Tesla sells 1% of global car sales and is fraudulently worth more than all the companies combined that sell the other 99%...

At the end of 3Q 2021 TESLA did not even make the top 5 of Auto Groups by seller of EV's (VW 25%; Stellantis 13%; Daimler 10%; BMW 10%; Hyundai-Kia 9%). EV sales in Europe are now 19% of car sales, the most advanced mkt in the world.

Moreover…Tesla is growing its car sales slower than the industry is growing EV sales.

Tesla's global EV mkt share has fallen from near 18% highs in 2019 to 14% for the first three quarters of 2021.

These are all verifiable figures and I'm way ahead of you... so don't even bother arguing.