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riskable t1_iyejd1i wrote

OP: Ignore the people freaking out about this. Super Lube (grease, 21030) is totally fine for Cherry MX style switches as long as you only only apply a very thin coating (with a brush, like you did). It'll last longer than the oil kind since the grease doesn't evaporate as quickly (yes, it ever so slowly evaporates).


AdditionalLeek6 t1_iyes7mv wrote

I'd love a blind lube test, which features Super Lube thinned with their ptfe-oil to different thicknesses, pitted against all the hyped up lubes. My guess it would make everyone in this thread look like fools, when absolutely none of them could discern a "good" lube from a "bad" one.


sld87 t1_iyew2dx wrote

I mean yeah if you’re the type to overlube switches and stabs in general the sluggish nature of what OP is about to experience probably won’t feel all that different. It’ll be like typing in quicksand
