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RelativeChance t1_jd25qol wrote

Another miss to add to the unfortunately not even close to exhaustive list:

I want to add to this another problematic designer: Sxmdesigns. In a now deleted apology thread (comments can be found here) they also got into trouble with their renders and color matching and they have been overcharging for sets and running new gbs like mad while still not having finished a single full gb yet I believe. They ended up deleting the thread and blocking people that pointed out negative things they had done (including me) after they were caught trying to change the narrative with an OBVIOUS ALT ACCOUNT. I have been doing a small investigation into this designer and may make a separate post about it.

I 1000% blame the vendors for not vetting these designers and not taking any disciplinary action when their gbs fail and don't look as advertised. They did nothing to Ren after the absolute disaster of the original PNC and still let them run more sets! Gerg would also be running more gbs with these vendors if he didn't ghost the whole hobby on his own after his failure, changing the colors during color matching. The vendors are also part of the color matching process, they are allowing all this. The vendors are also not putting pressure on gmk to allow color matching before gb so people actually know what they are buying and they can definitely make this demand since we account for about half of gmk's revenue. We need to have color matching before gb, with the samples measured against color chips with a spectrophotometer so everyone knows what they are buying, and certainly no one should be allowed to change the colors after the gb is paid for unless they refund everyone and start the gb over again I can't believe this is even a thing but most of the scuffed gmk sets were scuffed because of this, they can just rug pull the colors without consulting the people financing the gb.

Since the vendors have so far completely failed to hold designers accountable, the moderators of this subreddit and r/mm can take action by banning or forcing disclaimers on posts from these repeat offenders to protect consumers and the reputation of all the good designers out there. This sub and r/mm are responsible for so much of the traffic and news in this hobby, it would have tangible effects to their bottom lines.


ahauser31 t1_jd2n26h wrote

Please post more of your findings on Sxm. I personally was very put off by them attacking that Google Docs sheet showing the public GMK GB queue (not even showing all those orders placed at GMK that are not GBS) because it basically revealed that vendors and designers such as Sxm have been lying about GMK fulfillment times - it's not an excuse to say they communicated what GMK told them about the timeline when they very well knew at that point (towards end of 2021) that those dates were unrealistic (there were sets running in the latter half of 2021 that promised 2022 fulfillment)