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eiriee t1_jebk8hc wrote

Just commenting to say I'm in the same boat as you - looking to get an Alice as my first keeb. Deciding to go for one as I've found while learning to actually touch type that my hands need to rotate inwards, and Alice's look like they'll make that more comfy for me. Guess I'll found out once I get one!


NoOne-NBA- t1_jedavh4 wrote

Your hands don't both rotate inwards though.

Look at the stagger on the left side.
As you move upward on the stagger, you have to turn your left hand outward, rather than inward.

If rotating both hands inward while typing is your goal, I'd highly recommend checking out split ortho boards.
Those actually do allow both hands to rotate inwards, without requiring the outward turn that staggered boards do.