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sadmanh t1_jckfc9z wrote

do gaskets really mean anything? My keychron has those foams and I even put in the extra ones they gave and I can't tell the difference.


arock0627 t1_jckivse wrote

Keychron gives you replacements, why did you put those on?


sadmanh t1_jckjc00 wrote

I recall seeing on a review somewhere the extras are for if you want it even more soft. It's not that I don't like the way it is right now, just don't feel much of a difference from having the foam gaskets.


Pacifica0cean t1_jcksc3x wrote

Putting extra gaskets on increases the perceived hardness of the gaskets. If you want as bouncy as possible you want as little gaskets as you can get away with.


arock0627 t1_jckjgpj wrote

Have you ever typed on a non-gasket mounted metal keyboard?

Starts to physically hurt after a while.


sadmanh t1_jckqjqm wrote

yeah I used to have a Logitech before


arock0627 t1_jckqqr9 wrote

Logitech isn't all metal. It's plastic and metal.

I mean like a 4 pound block of aluminum like an NK65


sadmanh t1_jckr5ue wrote

yeah maybe the difference is just very subtle. I was using a G513 and I'm pretty sure the keys are mounted on a plate of aluminium, the rest of the keyboard was probably plastic.


arock0627 t1_jckrgqt wrote

Yeah the rest of the KB is the thing here. Plastic has flex. I typed on Logitechs and know that they feel fine.

I had an NK65 for about 2 years and it would just hurt my fingertips after a while of use, because I bottom out and the keys would slam on an unmoving block of aluminum.

Think of it like tapping your fingers fairly hard on your desk top for 6 hours straight.


ReaperofFish t1_jckvp9e wrote

I like it, but like everything else in this hobby, it comes down to preference. I tend to prefer a hard bottom out. Probably related to my preference for tactile switches.


DiplomacyPunIn10Did t1_jckx4hb wrote

They can definitely make a difference, but it's just one piece out of many things that impact the sound and feel of a keyboard. Simply sticking a bit of rubber in between the plate and the case may not have much impact at all if there's still no wiggle room for the plate.


sadmanh t1_jcl1iyc wrote

there's definitely some wiggle room on mine, I can push it down a bit, but when typing I don't really notice it.