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arock0627 t1_j9grxpm wrote

I think people underestimate how fantastic the Keychron Q's are.

I have an NK65 and a Glorious Pro and my Keychron Q12 is miles beyond both. For $200, what you get is mindblowing.


Affectionate_Gur_720 t1_j9ha8p2 wrote

How is the q12? Been thinking of picking one up for work and am wondering if the southpaw numpad helps at all.


arock0627 t1_j9hcb0s wrote

I’m genuinely loving it. The numpad takes a little getting used to, but I find it better than not having it and getting more comfortable using it every day.

The Q12 feels like a $400 board.


MBSMD t1_j9m90ol wrote

Agreed. I replaced the switches with Baby Kangaroos and keycaps with a different set, did a force break mod, added some thin case foam, and it sounds amazing.


MBSMD t1_j9i4lyg wrote

I love mine. Posted pics and specs.


nemmera t1_j9hidoz wrote

I didn't know the Q12 existed until I read your comment (doesn't seem to exist as far as ISO goes anyways).

Moving the numpad to the left side of the main keyboard is... so smart. Easier to keep a natural position infront of your monitor (big reason I use TKL/75s) but retaining the numpad. Cool stuff.


CorrodedRose t1_j9i1sid wrote

It was released only a couple days ago. But yeah southpaw numpad seems like a more intuitive design


jh_2719 t1_j9j5mao wrote

Q12 ISO is available, just only in barebones


nemmera t1_j9j6uk4 wrote

Ah cool, ty for the info!

(Also, love your flair)


jh_2719 t1_j9j79xi wrote

No problem, I'm always happy to help out fellow ISO users!


ZairXZ t1_j9imarv wrote

This is good to know! I was torn between an NK65 and keychron Q2 around when the Q2 was announced and ended up going keychron cuz of the knob but always wondered if I should've gotten an NK

This just helps reaffirm my decision!


arock0627 t1_j9imesu wrote

The NK65 not being gasket mounted makes long periods of typing on it difficult. I don’t know if I can go back


MBSMD t1_j9m92ra wrote

The Q12 is I think my favorite so far.