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truththeavengerfish t1_j86xvrl wrote

Boycott puppy mills


Swimming-Surprise-50 t1_j88g753 wrote

Reputable breeder does not equal puppy mill


truththeavengerfish t1_j89fidi wrote

No, but in a perfect world the shelters would be emptied, and all those poor animals would find a loving home before anyone required the services of any breeder anywhere.


Salmence100 t1_j86uo0k wrote

Dogs from shelters or local vets are much cheaper ☺️


AsparagusTop4473 t1_j87recu wrote

Here in Maine we don’t have a large amount of shelter pets. Often times puppies that are in shelters and rescues are bought from puppy mills in the south and trucked here to sell. OP also said they wanted a show dog standard which will be near impossible to find in a shelter. Ethical breeding is not the problem here.


another_one_1886 t1_j86xfp0 wrote

Adopt. Dont shop.


Slmmnslmn t1_j86zuyr wrote

Used to say the same thing. Have had 2 awesome dogs from the humane society. There is room for reputable ethical breeders as well.

I was fostering for a local humane society and realized how much of a roll of the dice it can be. Attacked on 2 occasions by one dog. Traumatized dogs are not for everyone. Humane societies dont always make the best decisions with placement. Its okay if someone doesn't want to roll those dice.


vrrrrrkiki t1_j872rl7 wrote

Thank you for saying this. We have young kids at home so it’s important to us to get a dog with a good temperament. I am a firm believer in “adopt or shop responsibly”


MaintenanceJunior375 t1_j877gty wrote

Mine is from Labs Landing in NY. My vet has asked for information to share with others as they have said she is literally the best lab they have ever seen in terms of temperament and health. She is a blocky lab, which is the look we like and is an awesome dog. Loves outdoors, but is also fine with lazy house days.


Verity41 t1_j88qxww wrote

Why is it important the dog be “show quality” then?


vrrrrrkiki t1_j88rwwe wrote

I never actually said show quality. I said show lines because there is a big difference between a field bred Labrador (hunting lines) and a bench bred Labrador. They look and act differently


houndshmix t1_j88pk03 wrote

And I was attacked by a dog from a reputable breeder, who seemed lovely as a pup. You roll the dice whenever you play.


Slmmnslmn t1_j88pzl4 wrote

Owners come into blame in that case. Js.


houndshmix t1_j88wq5o wrote

Not in my home. We had many other dogs that didn’t behave that way.


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_j87kezb wrote

If you're looking for pure bred dogs, then you should expect the price to be high. It's kind of normal.


bubba1819 t1_j882j17 wrote

$3000 is probably going to become more of the norm for an ethically bred pure bred dog that has both parents genetically screened with good temperaments. Between everyone wanting a dog since the pandemic and inflation breeders are going to be charging more for their pups. It’s also a good way for breeders to screen out for what kind of homes they want to send their pups to. I used to know a breeder whose thought process was that if someone can’t afford to pay the price they charged for one of their pups then they didn’t want them going to that house cause what if they needed emergency vet care, would they fork up the money needed for it? Not saying it’s right or wrong, just giving another perspective.


mislysbb t1_j88px7g wrote

Not so sure about the “everyone wanting a dog since the pandemic” part; I think shelters across the country are fuller than they’ve ever been. We’re also seeing a ton of “Covid puppies” being returned to shelters and these poor things have brutal separation anxiety, which makes them even harder to adopt out.


Maineguy1299 t1_j88h247 wrote

There is nothing ethical about people force breeding dogs and making a profit off of them… breeders and people who continue to support them are the scum of the earth.


houndshmix t1_j88pbg2 wrote

How do you make new dogs without breeding them…?


Maineguy1299 t1_j88pyjw wrote

Why do you need to “make new” dogs, when there are thousands of dogs already in shelters without families, being put down as we speak because people care too much about having a specific “breed”. “Making new dogs” shouldn’t even be of subject until the unclaimed amount of dogs is taken care of. But if you’re concerned about “making new dogs” you probably approve of people having kids without the financial means/living conditions to support and raise them first too.


VegUltraGirl t1_j88d5v4 wrote

Please consider adopting instead


jarnhestur t1_j874e2t wrote

Varney Labs in Turner. I’ve had two dogs from them, and they are great family dogs.


lsanborn t1_j86uq2e wrote

We were shopping heavily about two years ago and it was discouraging. We were most concerned about hereditary health issues after our Doberman dropped dead in front of us. We were looking at $5000, apply and maybe you’ll qualify and then you’ll only have to pay for it’s airline ticket from someplace else. My husband finally saw an ad in the paper, handed over $1000 and brought home a cute yellow. She’s pretty and she’s sweet but we’ll probably end up springing for knee surgery. Hope you have better luck.


vrrrrrkiki t1_j86vclb wrote

It’s crazy a few years ago we got a health tested pup for $1,500. She’s beautiful and wonderful and retrieves birds like crazy. I’m scared I will never find another dog like her!


Gunnersandgreen t1_j88bkut wrote

Maranantha kennels in Buxton....they breed for search and rescue though.


Maineguy1299 t1_j88gs8t wrote

Just stop. Stop supporting breeders… there are so so many dogs in shelters that are plenty trainable dogs, that people continue to turn a blind eye to.. did you not just see the news paper article about a breeder and customer fighting over a dog due to breeding “rights”, the breeder claimed the customer who bought a dog from her cost her $250,000 by her their dog they paid for, spayed. Do people not see how sick that is, that people are willing/capable of making $250,000 from breeding out ONE DOG. Force breeding the dog for a quarter million in profit… stop supporting breeders, such a disgusting “profession” to be apart of.


mislysbb t1_j88qo7x wrote

The biggest issue is that people won’t do their damn research and actually look up breeders who are responsible/ethical. The reality is, people are never going to stop supporting breeders. And in some cases I get why you need certain breeds for certain jobs (guardian breeds, breeds for police work, etc). Unfortunately your average rescue probably won’t be able to do those tasks. What gets me is when people so desperately want a specific breed of puppy, but they say “fuck all” to doing actual research on whatever breed they want and then end up giving the dang things away because they can’t handle them. I have zero respect for those people.


Maineguy1299 t1_j88vs1v wrote

Which why there are so many dogs in shelters already, due to people giving them up from not being able to take care of them properly. Sure a majority of dogs in shelters aren’t “pure bred” or whatever, but that doesn’t automatically make them untrainable or a “dangerous dog” because they were given up. But yes, people need to do their research. But mostly should be doing their research on shelters and adopting, instead of shopping.


Impossible-Tear-8462 t1_j86xayi wrote

Mckosker in Amherst, nh. I'm not sure about the cost, but they have excellent temperament. I think their current litter is all yellow though, not sure if you're looking for a specific color. Great people and great dogs.


computore t1_j88psh9 wrote

Seven Oaks Labs in Belgrade. Best dog ever.