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MosskeepForest t1_ja2zbpz wrote

And yet if it were some male teacher who had a tiktok showing his medical care for a broken arm over months, you wouldn't be calling that "inappropriate" or devoted to some sort of agenda.

You would just say he was sharing his life.

But EXCLUSIVELY for minorities, you fascists want to try and reframe normal life and normal usage of social media as some sort of conspiracy.

You seem to think it's your DUTY to inject yourself into the lives of others. You have no concept for the idea of freedom and want to use the state to police simple things like medical care? Fucking fascist.

Why don't you get the fuck out of my country and go to one that thinks like you do? Iraq? Saudi Arabia? North Korea? Russia? China? Pick a fascist state that wants to attack minorities, you would fit right in.


HumpSlackWails t1_ja30fhc wrote

\You're absolutely right. Teaching skills is absolutely not the same as recording your transition journey.

I think you finally nailed it.