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HerrAdventure t1_j9yrjy5 wrote

I agree, it's a hit piece that skirts the details of the matter to promote an agenda that appeases the user base. The disturbing nature I see regardless of sexual identity is when teachers have their personal lives involved with students that fall outside the window of appropriate and professional topics. Accident or not, it's not suitable for young minds to be involved with. Overall social media has been a downfall for many individuals and that's a broad topic in itself and for a different discussion.

In this specific case, it's a no-tolerance reaction by the school. The other road that could have been taken would be to keep the teacher employed with the community knowing that this individual may or may not have done this intentionally and is still working at the school. The former is a better approach to keeping an even keel and peace of mind that any sexual nature within the confines of teachers and students, whether it be physical or social, won't happen. And if it does, the route to be taken will mimic this.

In regards to what the article promotes in the agenda of Fox News, it's not wholesome and true to the extent of the full story. It's only bits and pieces and omitting other details that are not aligning with what they want to sell as fear to attract their users for more.

My advice is to delete social media, turn off MSM, and live a life that represents an individual's pursuit of happiness without causing harm in the process.


OddClass134 t1_j9yx2bm wrote

>The disturbing nature I see regardless of sexual identity is when teachers have their personal lives involved with students that fall outside the window of appropriate and professional topics.

I'm sorry but I disagree. Just because something is personal does not make it inappropriate.

There is a line of course, but teachers should connect with their students as community members, not cold and harsh authority figures. That was that kind of schooling we had in the 18th and early 19th century-- cruel headmasters and unsympathetic teachers and nuns slapping everyone's wrists. Not an ideal learning environment.

Should we now require all teachers to avoid disclosing their relationship status? Keep their families a secret? Hide their disabilities, never speak of their personal hobbies, never ever *ever" bring up what they did over the weekend?

Or is it only "inappropriate" when gay teachers do it?