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dougwdouglas t1_j9ygpyk wrote

Surely the actions are inappropriate. I remember many teachers in high school who would attempt to be “cool” and build relationships with students beyond the typical teacher-student relationship (get involved in student gossip, active with students on social media, texting weekend plans, etc). Was it dangerous? Probably not. Strange and inappropriate? Absolutely

In this case, a teacher is actively advertising her social media which directly brings minors to provocative photos? Not a great look!

Now Fox weaponizing this with the context of her transition is a different conversation, but I don’t think that’s going to be surprising to anyone here


IamSauerKraut t1_j9ykwql wrote

>I remember many teachers in high school who would attempt to be “cool” and build relationships with students

Oh yeah.

Only recently has a concerted effort been made to put an end to these "relationships." My chem teacher, married, knocked up a sophomore. My US History teacher was banging a junior. Neither faced consequences beyond some well-placed comments from female colleagues.


IamSauerKraut t1_j9yko9a wrote

>In this case, a teacher is actively advertising her social media which directly brings minors to provocative photos? Not a great look!

Agreed. Should be common sense among teachers.


MosskeepForest t1_j9yip9k wrote

>In this case, a teacher is actively advertising her social media which directly brings minors to provocative photos? Not a great look!

And that is where it should have ended. A principal saying "hay, could you not share your personal accounts during school hours? Thank you".

Instead of some national news story about how "TRANSGENDER people are sharing inappropriate videos to CHILDREN!!!!"

This is pure propaganda.