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GuppyGB t1_j9ab8w0 wrote

I didn't see that when I played varsity soccer in HS. Everyone showed up, even in summer. It was always bad coaching if there was an issue. Coaches would be replaced frequently. They would pick favorites who would always end up choking when it mattered most or got reckless fouls. We had coaches who prioritized scrimmages over technique building exercises. We had few players with natural talent and years of experience, a lot of players with great physical ability but bad technique and response to gameplay, and the last 20% was all kids who just wanted to kick the ball really hard from half field. So you could blame the players, but the coaches didn't spend enough time teaching kids how to actually make plays and the ball forward. It just felt like they were praying for the same 3 kids to score every game and as soon as we conceded one goal they would start subbing fully capable players.