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madroxinide t1_j8oc4ft wrote

Imagine having access to so much historical knowledge and science and wonder and settling on such a short sighted conclusion that eons of various weather/climate cycles are entirely overcome by a relatively benign and short existence.

Remember, being able to control the weather is conspiracy talk. Being able to impact the climate is science. Existing in the middle of a receding glacial period is science, but explaining the climate changes we see as a result of the cyclical changes on timescales we aren't that good at comprehending is absurdist denialism.

It's probably best if we don't do anything, right? I mean, we got to this point by doing stuff right? And nobody can agree or get along or fund anything enough to actually make any meaningful progress right? So if we stop doing stuff, the things that we did that made the climate so bad should stop happening so the climate should better because we were making it worse. So we should go to war with everyone else to make them stop doing stuff too because even if we stop doing stuff, other people will be doing stuff and it's the doing stuff part that makes the climate die. So we need to first do something to make everyone stop doing stuff and then we need to also stop doing stuff. And then after we do that we can let nature go back to doing nature things without any disruptions to the balance of nature. Then it will stay pristine and never change ever again because if there isn't anyone doing stuff, then nothing can change it. So this is the part where I demand all of you personally stop doing stuff like driving your car or drinking out of styrofoam because if you don't stop doing that stuff and also telling everyone else to stop doing that stuff, then more people might get the idea that doing stuff is ok, and we can't have that because doing stuff kills the planet and environment. And if I can get you to spread the word that nobody should be doing stuff, when I decide I'm gonna break the rules and do stuff, I'll be at an advantage over the other people because they think doing stuff is bad so they don't do stuff which means me doing stuff is more important and impactful and valuable to the other people that need stuff but don't yet understand they should forfeit stuff to save the planet and climate. So I make more money, we all feel better about you not doing stuff, and I'm set up in a better position to keep making stuff and making even more money from making the stuff because making stuff is bad but someone needs to do it and I've made sure that someone is me and not you.


TarantinoFan23 t1_j8oojzi wrote

Are you blind?


madroxinide t1_j8opa3e wrote

Seeing is believing.


dancingkittensupreme t1_j8p1ylh wrote

Black holes are literally invisible. Do they not exist? Does air not exist? Does gravity not exist?

Damn you are DUMB


TarantinoFan23 t1_j8ppveu wrote

Actually its the opposite. You can't see something unless you believe it is there.
