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ppitm t1_j7cpmdi wrote

BIW is definitely a target in a high use scenario. Portland was already leaked as a Chinese countervalue target because it is easy to hit over the poles. They aim to hit at least one city in each state.


RobertLeeSwagger t1_j7cvdhv wrote

I don’t think BIW is worth using a nuclear weapon on. Could easily cripple it with something less destructive unless collateral damage is a goal.


ppitm t1_j7dl7h7 wrote

Actual target lists from the Cold War would disagree with you. There's no scenario where someone would attack it with anything other than a nuclear weapon.


spintrackz t1_j7e47jz wrote

Yep. Strategic target. Heavy industry and military production. They might as well paint a bullseye on the roof.


spintrackz t1_j7e30fi wrote

The Chinese aren't crazy or stupid enough to start lobbing rockets our way. Pooty Poot on the other hand... is, and has a lot more missiles than Xi does.


ppitm t1_j7e3k7f wrote

A guy who makes all his guests sit on the far end of a 50-foot-long conference table doesn't sound like someone too keen to die in a fireball.


spintrackz t1_j7e41g1 wrote

No, but he would be the kind of guy to think he could get away with it without dying in a fireball. He's also got that nifty Dead Hand system he knows he can use.