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ecco-domenica t1_j72sbm6 wrote

When I was 13, I got tired of waiting for the bus in the Caribou middle school auditorium after early dismissal one day for a blizzard. It was a bad winter, we'd already had several blizzards, and it had all gotten pretty old, just so boring. So I decided to walk home about 8/10ths of a mile. NBD. Did it all the time. Oh yeah, and I'd forgot my mittens & hat that day.

I froze the tops of my ears and all my finger tips in the 10 minutes it took to run in the blowing snow to my father's office that was a little less than half way. He was closing up to go home but luckily was still there to let me in, and he got me thawed out. It was . . . painful. It took a week for all the black bits to peel off and they're still sensitive to cold 55 years later.

I think us all putting up with hearing about frostbite for 5 damn days is worth it if one dumb kid like me doesn't have that experience.


ToesocksandFlipflops t1_j74ar7h wrote

I had an experience where I frost bit my toes snowboarding in 1995, stupid stupid me, got home at 10 pm ran a hot bath and stuck my feet in.. and felt the worst pain of my life.. what an idiot I am.