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JonesoftheNorth t1_j8p7r3y wrote

Grew up in The County and had never heard of them until reading the article. Are those a "down south" thing?


ScenePlayful1872 t1_j8p8gdz wrote

Yes indeed! Maine Potato candy is unique. Grew up eating Seavey’s, now we make our own for the holidays.


Oniriggers t1_j8pb9ix wrote

I never heard of them until moving to maine 2 years ago, asked why they existed and were called a town in mass?


Difficult-Region-103 t1_j8peoyc wrote

Yes! There was a Master Chef episode where a guy put potato in his desert& the judges were like, who puts potato in DESERT? Mainers, thats who! Long live the Needham!!


ecco-domenica t1_j8posml wrote

They're like whoopie pie's country cousin that never got famous. Used to be a common home made treat that your mother would put in your lunch box. Cheap to make at home. Because potatoes & paraffin wax were always on hand. Coconut and bakers chocolate easy to buy and available even in the boonies.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j8qzkbv wrote

I've tried, but when you wear $30 glasses for your nearsightedness and are chronically fatigued, it takes a lot of effort to actually see shit, y'know?

I don't even look at the stuff that's at store checkouts half the time. I just want to pay for my shit and leave.


Icolan t1_j8se4x3 wrote

Yes, Maine State Needham Day needs to be January 1st through December 31st of every year.


rofopp t1_j8t5vu5 wrote

Need ‘em? Don’t want them


KNORTHWIND t1_j8v89j4 wrote

The real question is: why isn't there already a State Needham Day?


jpGrind t1_j94nze8 wrote

i must have got my wires crossed somehow

my dad loves nonpareils. he would buy them by the bag when hannaford used to stock them in their self-serv candy chute things. you'd scoop them into your bag and then pay by weight at the register. if it wasn't that, it was a couple boxes of snocaps.

i have no idea why i held such confident beliefs that needhams and nonpareils are the same thing. but that's on brand for me.