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rockcitybender t1_j6wthpv wrote

I don't get why people complain about this stuff. They're not just going to build an exit on a whim, I'm pretty sure if they're building it's needed. Other states do this all the time as needed. And saying that the money should be invested into rail is asinine.


The_Maine_Sam t1_j6wx2im wrote

Did you see how much people complained about the Maine mall traffic plaza redesign? You'd think someone stole their childhood binky the way people acted. I can't wait until the Gorham connector is added and everyone goes "Oooooh that's why they did it like this!"


Vel0clty t1_j6yb151 wrote

Bless the Gorham connector, I anxiously await the day there is no longer bumper to traffic on my commute on County Road anymore 😄


eljefino t1_j6zcohv wrote

It's gonna get pushed out to Standish. :(