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FITM-K t1_ja99pl4 wrote

> So you are yourself admitting that you don't care enough about context to actually watch a video (crikey!).

I did watch ~25 minutes of the video. Crikey! Try reading the comments you reply to?

> A perfect example of the typical lazy keyboard warrior who wants to be told what to think.

Like I said, I watched the video. 25 minutes of unfiltered Scott Adams explaining things in his own words did absolutely nothing to change my opinion. The fact that I watched it and still don't agree with you doesn't mean I'm being "told what to think," it means that I don't agree with you.

Believe or not, different people can have different opinions!

> With regard to your other so-called 'sources' - all of which are perfectly aligned with if not the leaders of your woke mob, please do us all a favor and tune in to a source that disagrees with them if you are too lazy to do the work yourself.

Yeah I fucking did, I watched a bunch of the video YOU recommended. It sucked.