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elt0p0 t1_j651ns9 wrote

Our climate is now shifting to El Nino conditions this year. A whole different weather dynamic.


KermitThrush OP t1_j652exa wrote

Actually for the last three years we’ve been experiencing Lanina conditions which makes things colder here than the otherwise would be.

And within the next few months the El Niño and La Nina weather cycle is actually supposed to enter a neutral phase.

And none of that accounts for the radical change in climate we’ve been experiencing over the last few decades and especially over the last decade.

But keep on watching Fox News and popping out misinformation tp discount the serious nature and threat of climate change.

Unfucking believable ignorance


elt0p0 t1_j652qv9 wrote

The only constant seems to be uncertainty.


[deleted] t1_j652yg0 wrote



elt0p0 t1_j653pgr wrote

I wasn't trying to bait you. Really. My posting history is not confrontational. Chill, bro.


KermitThrush OP t1_j654jih wrote

Maybe stop spreading bullshit then, Especially as it relates to critical social issues


elt0p0 t1_j655510 wrote

I don't spread BS. My footprint is tiny and you should really stop bullying and kindly FO.


ecco-domenica t1_j65rav8 wrote

You've just rendered yourself impotent as a persuader for your case. Which is too bad.