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KermitThrush OP t1_j65038z wrote

Gotta love the ignorance of comments like this

And as far as utility bills go I had to install air conditioning in my house this past summer for the first time ever and will have to run it more frequently during the summer year after year as things continue to get worse.


Wooden-Importance t1_j6519im wrote

Thanks for calling me ignorant.

Let me ask you, what can I do about global warming.


KermitThrush OP t1_j651co2 wrote

Maybe not cheerlead for it?

“Iz gOod Cuz iT rEDooZes mE hEaTiNg BiLLs!”


ZealousidealTreat139 t1_j651p1w wrote

Talk about ignorance, God forbid anyone try to bring a little light humor to a dreadful topic. Best we all be gloomy and miserable about it from now on.....


makemenutraloaf t1_j652ekl wrote

It’s what gets shit done. Dont forget to stay in bed all day, it’s the best way to decrease your carbon footprint

Edit- not saying i dont acknowledge human-driven climate-change, im just saying that being miserable gets nothing done and will stress you out and you will live a shorter life for it.


Antnee83 t1_j65cwsg wrote

Hey were you aware that you're being a knob for absolutely no reason?


Wooden-Importance t1_j6537yk wrote

I am not "cheerleading" for it.

Governments and industry are the cause and there is nothing that I can do to fix it.

What I can do is realize that warmer weather means that I use less heating oil. That benefits the environment and saves me money.

If you think that I am ignorant for realizing that warmer weather saves poor Mainers money then good for you bub.


KermitThrush OP t1_j6540vq wrote

To quote from your original comment about the warming climate:

“No complaints here.”

Piss off “bub”


Wooden-Importance t1_j654nrt wrote

Why are you so mad?

Was your school lunch cold today?

Did mommy not give you a kiss this morning?


DidDunMegasploded t1_j65seos wrote

That's not an acceptable answer.

PSAs do a better job of explaining what people can do about global warming than you. And one of 'em had a girl about to be hit by a train!