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Derstilweedndat t1_j6n4bye wrote

Without reading the article I'm going to bet the simple answer is "because they can"


Antnee83 t1_j6ns3b5 wrote

It's this. There is literally no reason, none whatsoever, for a near universal rent increase like what we've seen outside of simple profit-taking.

If most landlords were holding variable-interest loans? Yeah ok, then I could see it. But the vast, vast majority of loans are fixed these days. There's no excuse.


TheMobyDicks t1_j6o2fdx wrote

3D printed homes are the answer. To their credit, Maine is dabbling with this through Dr. Dagher at UMO. The state should subsidize developers to make large communities of small-ish homes and only sell them to income-qualified folks. To be clear: The state says, "Okay Mr. Developer. You buy the land and we'll kick in X,Y,Z and you can only sell homes (by covenant in perpetuity on each property - in the deed so one can buy and flip at market rate) to buyers that can prove income of 80% area median income (AMI) or less." These are not Section-8 folks. The state alrady has programs for that. These are your firefighters, nurses, cooks. Mostly young, first-time home buyers.


mlo9109 t1_j6oaag0 wrote

Because they decided to buy out all the housing in Maine and completely screw over the people who actually live here.


ClioEclipsed t1_j6oojjd wrote

Don't forget all landlords use one computer algorithm to ensure rents are as high as possible at all times.


WelcomeToTheBough OP t1_j6ov90q wrote

fake news. Yes people have a ton of ideas of zoning, no they dont have PACs, no they dont have political party's and no not all of them are defending home values. Also its backwards new pricey places drive people's home prices up


Stonesword75 t1_j6p0nb1 wrote

There is a NIMBY issue. No one wants "affordable housing" in their neighborhood because their worried its going to disrupt their neighborhood. Lord forbid the neighborhood of 15 people doubles because someone wants to build apartments on sewer and water.


ZingZongZaddy t1_j6p99i7 wrote

Because housing has been commodified and is being redirected en masse to the short term rental market as profits are higher than with long term tenants. This state is filled with landlords who don't care about having functioning, working communities because the DINKWADs on vacation are willing to spend a mortgage payment on two nights in Portland.

These landlords are both local and from away. They're all opportunists, and one of the two is happy to let the other group suffer all the scorn.


WelcomeToTheBough OP t1_j6pheg8 wrote

Again im not saying that we dont have no types, every state does. Its an odd focus at the moment because what is being built is $1800 rents. Im against people who dont want change for real affordable, hopefully public housing.