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SSdogmama OP t1_j2erqbb wrote

I have not. There's tons of airbnbs available in Portland. I asked for help with somewhere to stay in Bar Harbor, as there does not seem to be a lot of airbnb's there and the hotels are really worksheets


anyodan8675 t1_j2et3a9 wrote

"There's tons of airbnbs in Portland" yes this is the problem. Soon we will need to bus people in to feed you. So sad to live in a city that is just one huge hotel.


Niccakolio t1_j2esftr wrote

Maybe my computer is messing up but I don't see any comment that shows your itinerary. People book a year or more out in BH so I would book here ASAP. I am trying to be helpful, not negative.


SSdogmama OP t1_j2et8k9 wrote

Sorry, I just always assume people are being snarky! I just realized my itinerary didn't post, let me fix that