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DodgeDeBoulet t1_j1e8d4x wrote

Here in Brunswick we're at what's projected to be peak wind gusts now (12:30-1pm). It's been very windy, but not as rainy as expected.

Although we're in an area that's lost power 3 times in the last 30 days, it remains on ... for now. A few flickers in the last 30 minutes, though.


BilS t1_j1exjak wrote

Yeah, weird... our has flickered on & off all day but we still have it. (Out off Durham Rd, near the Durham line)

But we've lost it three times in the last month or so, but not today.

Meanwhile, one of ours kids is in an apartment on Congress St, Portland, near Maine Med and they haven't had power most of the day.

And where's those pics of Commercial St at high tide?


DodgeDeBoulet t1_j1f28f7 wrote

LOL I'm in the same neck of the woods. And I'm sure our power went out at the same time yours did 🤣


BilS t1_j1eybjb wrote

Well, damn... a few minutes later it goes out! Crikey....!