Submitted by jermanherman t3_zh1njw in Maine

My partner's sister (who I'll call A) was getting a tattoo, and the artist who goes by "Bones" or "B" asked her if she has any siblings. When she said yes, the artist asked if they're a boy or a girl. A politely explains that my partner is non-binary and B made a face and said "Uh, okay?" and a few minutes later, B asked A what was in their pants, and when A was uncomfortable B asked "is it a penis?". My partner is underage, 16 to be specific. It is disgusting that B would even ask that about a client's family, whether the family member is trans or not. DO NOT GO HERE.



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sllooze t1_izjoyu8 wrote

Your partner is underage?


anyodan8675 t1_izjuyjw wrote

Your tattoo guy was weird and inappropriate? You should definitely report them to the proper licensing board. Totally unacceptable! Lol


srfyrk418 t1_izkdelk wrote

And here we are…in a world where asking if someone has a brother or sisters hurts that persons feelings.


jermanherman OP t1_izkdypp wrote

It wasn’t about him asking if she had siblings, it was that he specifically asked about the 16 year old sibling’s vagina. He said vagina and penis, he asked what was in their pants. A 16 year old.


eyeamelise t1_izkf1dt wrote

The fact that they will illegally tattoo a minor is probably a red flag, too.


eyeamelise t1_izkftzl wrote

Oh! I misunderstood. Either way though, that was wildly unprofessional and gross to ask what is in someone’s pants. Small talk during a tattoo I totally understand because it is time consuming, but ffs keep it professional.


TraditionalPiccolo28 t1_izkg18o wrote

What I don't get is why it matters what's in anyone's pants to anybody other than the person, their medical professionals and their partners.


jermanherman OP t1_izkkic3 wrote

Because he asked what a 16 year olds body parts were. THATS what’s disgusting. AND he has a daughter, I don’t think he’d like it if someone asked his kid what’s their genitalia look like.


jermanherman OP t1_izkl5jb wrote

And why does it matter what a 16 year old was born as? He pushed it when the client didn’t wanna answer. He went on like “what’s between their legs? Is it a penis?” When she didn’t respond the first time. That sibling is a child and the artist did NOT need to use those terms. He could’ve asked what they were born as, and if she didn’t respond then he shouldn’t keep going.


RitaPoole56 t1_izkney3 wrote

The only possible response to that rude and idiotic question would be: What’s in your HEAD?


FITM-K t1_izkoy4o wrote

No you dumbass, we're in a world where most people think adults shouldn't ask children about their genitals.

If you genuinely think there's no difference between "do you have a brother?" and "do you have a penis?" I suggest you head over to the local high school and start asking kids about their genitals like that and see what happens to you.


Way2L8AND1 t1_izl2jgv wrote

I hate to be facetious, and this situation is definitely fucked.. but reading this was like reading one of those annoying word problems.. IE:

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are members of a family consisting of four adults and three children, two of whom, F and G are girls. A and D are brothers and A is a doctor. E is an engineer married to one of the brothers and has two children. B is married to D and G is their child. Who is C ?

G's Brother

E's Daughter

F's Father

A's Son



jermanherman OP t1_izl9ja4 wrote

I don’t care about my feelings being heard, I care that a grown ass adult was asking about a child’s body parts. Is that not disturbing? They couldn’t give less of a crap if the artist misgendered them or whatever, they care that an adult was worried about what’s in a child’s pants.


teeleturtles t1_izlorxx wrote

So is your message that public genital interrogation is fine if conducted by A) anyone who is not a therapist B) directed towards adults C) is incited because someone had the audacity to bring up someone who is trans?


[deleted] t1_izm7amt wrote

Someone tried making small talk, but we can’t make it easy! You really expect to meet a higher class of people when you’re doing something classy like getting a neck tattoo or whatever!

I can’t help OP ruin the business because, like probably everyone else reading this, I wasn’t about to go to Lewiston to get a tattoo (personally I’d rather buy a painting), but i’m glad we all had a chance to virtue signal about an adult conversation occurring in, of all places, a tattoo parlor.

Good luck with that, though.