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thatgirlblowitdown t1_j2dla9c wrote

I have nothing scientific to add but as a native Mainer I can see how it has changed, the weather patterns. A 50 degree day in December isn’t a gift it’s a warning


Literallydead_1 t1_j2e7vq7 wrote

Just said this myself. After my house got a cold all Xmas vaca, I was so grateful to air out the house. Then, of course, reality made its way &I realized I'm not so grateful, but more concerned. So worried for our upcoming generations. Everyone should be, especially us younger adults.


cheryltuntsocelot t1_j2f6puy wrote

This. I’m only in my 30s but as a kid winters were far colder and warm days far rarer.


digitalambie t1_j2frgp5 wrote

Even my winters growing up in West Virginia were colder and snowier than the ones I'm experiencing in Maine now. The wind storms of the past ~5-6 years also give me anxiety between the power outages and the trees falling.