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theeibok1 t1_j0wmn6x wrote

Did a cmp truck make my internet come back or was it just good timing? I woke up Saturday with power and internet. At about 9:30am I heard a very loud bang outside and after that the internet was down. Sometime Sunday afternoon and cmp truck showed up a few minutes later the internet was back. I wasn’t sure if it was just a coincidence.


tall-lanky-skanky t1_j0wn0hg wrote

I’d say good timing or good coordination with the telecom guys. We don’t touch internet or phone equipment


lantech t1_j0wolwj wrote

A lot of times the internet (cable based anyway) is boosted by repeaters. They're the green boxes you see mounted up high on poles here and there with a green light on one side. When the power goes down, the repeaters have batteries that keep them running a little while but then they die. Power comes back and repeaters power up and you have your internet - assuming there was no break in the cable itself.