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FrenjaminBanklin t1_j1ecyf9 wrote

Ok, you aren't going to hear me argue against the idea that people deserve to be paid more for their labor.

But child labor laws and the 40 hour work week weren't just arbitrarily instituted, they were brought about to protect people from being taken advantage of by their employers. If there are minors that are struggling to provide themselves with necessities, you aren't going to convince me that the answer is to have them work 40+ hours at week.


HerbertHamburger t1_j1erzk0 wrote

All I was saying is that the kids maybe asked to work more than was allowed to help pay for some of these things. It isn’t uncommon in this area for kids to help out financially at home. It’s not fair to the kids, they shouldn’t have to sacrifice school/their childhood to keep things afloat while our miserable government (republican and democrat included) ruin everything for everyone, but that’s the reality of some central Maine families.