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chickenispork t1_j1q57is wrote

Portland doesn’t count, that’s little Boston.


Shdwrptr t1_j1q5h8u wrote

It’s not even just Portland, it’s most of Southern Maine. Do you think the people of Westbrook, Cumberland, or Falmouth are mostly self reliant, living off the land type people?

Making the state of Maine seem like some wilderness survivalist utopia is pretty odd to me.


theora55 t1_j1qukpr wrote

I'm in Windham. I could go a month without power or shopping if I had to. Even in the big Ice Storm, people could get to their wood for the stove. Wood stove would keep my house & pipes warm enough. Everybody should have a battery-operated radio and flashlight, and batteries. It's easy to store some food and water unless you have a big family and a really small home.