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ralphy1010 t1_ixctuks wrote

good grief, why the rush? only thing worse than running out and buying a new truck after HS is having a baby right off the bat. I could just never understand why people encouraged it, it's like they wanted them to be stuck in that small town and not be able to move away


mlo9109 t1_ixcuwpr wrote

Jesus (things are pretty Jesus-y up north) and peer/family pressure are pretty strong motivators (or demotivators to do anything else, really)

I'm the only one of my high school graduating class of 36 who "escaped" the north and the only one without kids. Coincidence? I think not.


ralphy1010 t1_ixdlepl wrote

my hs was similar in that sense along the coast, 96 graduating seniors, it served like 10 towns. prob a third never did any school beyond HS and a good number of those who did go away for school came back. I don't recall there being much of a bible thumping scene in those days but there was a very pervasive mind set that could be seen as demotivating for anyone who might have thought differently or dreamed of a world beyond that rural collection of towns on the coast.