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siebzy t1_ivprwr0 wrote

I personally agree that they shouldn't be allowed on public right of ways or green spaces (medians, public sidewalk green strips, etc)

Research has been done on the effectiveness of signs, and at most the impact is very small (and the signs aren't super cheap to print, and are labor intensive to distribute). Some studies have actually found that signs are a net detractor because they take away resources from other types of outreach.

All that said, old people in Maine really love the damn things and I don't see that changing soon.


siebzy t1_ivps2ae wrote

Oh and candidates love them. They love driving around town and seeing their name everywhere, it gets them aroused.


IamSauerKraut t1_ivqurf1 wrote

Signs on public ROW's and public green spaces is protected by the 1st Amendment.

Campaigns are allowed to spend their funds on whatever outreach materials they would like, including signs, without needing the approval of tongue cluckers. Folks that do not like them do not have to put them on their own lawns.


siebzy t1_ivrpjow wrote

I disagree with that interpretation of the first amendment in this case, and that's fine! Doesn't change anything

Sure, campaigns can spend whatever they want - I can also come on the internet and call them vain idiots if I want.

I can also be pissed that they litter our roadways and public spaces.

What was your point again?