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metalandmeeples OP t1_iy80tqp wrote

The projected ROI was 8-9 years, but that was assuming a 26% tax credit and also doesn't include the 50% supply increase going into effect next year. Those two things should make it closer to 6-7 years.


Ultra86 t1_iy830z9 wrote

This is the way. I did Maine Solar also, but tacked on two batteries to insulate somewhat from power outages and give a little boost to net metering as well.


metalandmeeples OP t1_iy83syh wrote

Nice. I'd love batteries but am too cheap to pull the trigger at the moment. I might have a different opinion if we experience an extended power outage.


GraniteGeekNH t1_iy8kt81 wrote

This is the thinking of every rooftop solar person in New England I've ever talked to*: I'd love batteries but geeeez, the cost!

*including me


SyntheticCorners28 t1_iyasexy wrote

My 13k generator only cost about 5k. Cheaper than batteries but it also has drawbacks.


CopyAltruistic3307 t1_iydojq2 wrote

I didn't think you could do net metering and batteries AND keep power during an outage. I was told if the power goes out I would have to take the outage, unless I was completely off-grid.