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BigfanofMoose t1_iybvxzm wrote

Cold water lobsters are:

Fished very heavily, at rates that compete with number appreciation

Migrating north to waters that are still around the temperatures required for growth and survival

The Atlantic Ocean is the fastest warming ocean body of water in the world and the gulf of Maine has been particularly affected

A linked study:


DirtyD0nut t1_iyc6k0m wrote

bUt gLoBaL wArMinG iS mAdE uP bY ThE LiBtArdS AnD mAiN sTrEam mEdiA!


nuevoguero t1_iydmuc1 wrote

Ya! Maybe if we dam all those damn Maine streams that'll save 'em!


Automatic-Raspberry3 t1_iyczrpm wrote

Oddly the warming waters are not mentioned at all as the issue in lobster forums. It’s all a big liberal conspiracy to put us out of business. While the whale part is total bull. The warming waters will probably kill my fishing in the next 5-10 years. Guys are catching fish that shouldn’t be up here more and more. Trigger fish and blue crab shouldn’t be more then a once a season oddity.


Magormgo t1_iyb56dq wrote

Also diesel prices skyrocketing, as are the cost of bait, and lobster is moving north due to warming water temperatures.


DarthTurnip t1_iydp2zd wrote

As a sternman with an F350 that I leave idling all day these fuel prices are killing me!


Copacetic9two t1_iyefqkj wrote

Aside from the political issues around whales, the lobster are moving steadily north to cooler waters, and someday Maine won’t have much of a lobster fishery left. That’s the real issue.


steelymouthtrout t1_iycy8rx wrote

Does this have anything to do with them being exported rapidly to Asia?


Slice-O-Pie t1_iydioor wrote

A few vendors decided to not carry Maine lobsters. It's not really a big deal.


profesoarchaos t1_iye5idz wrote

They are slowly turning into Maryland Blue Crab.


joeydokes t1_iyeludt wrote

An 8 year waiting list for permits versus a shrinking population of bugs


9wild9 t1_iybj8p1 wrote

We still have lobster rolls. What’s the problem?


Guygan t1_iyar91u wrote


Friendly-Matter-3819 t1_iyc9tjr wrote

Discussion bad. Must be alone with google and Wikipedia until the end of time.


WalkerBRiley t1_iyczho2 wrote

It's been discussed to death here for the last few months. How many more "tree huggers bad!" "No, fishing lines killing whales bad!" arguments do you really feel we need?


Friendly-Matter-3819 t1_iyeg2rz wrote

I just don’t get people who get angry or sarcastic responses to questions even old questions. We arent on the internet to answer all questions then close up shop and all go home. Some people might even know the answer to the question they ask but just want people to talk to. Not a bad thing. Everyone else who is annoyed just needs to keep scrolling.


Primary_Statement_10 t1_iydc1zc wrote

They got put on the red list due to the right whale being endangered. Now companies are taking lobster off the menu because “the whales are getting caught in Maine lobster traps”, despite not supported by facts since there hasn’t really been a legitimate case since 2004… So yeah, political mongos are screwing Maine over.


MaineviaIllinois t1_iyert6y wrote

There have been legitimate cases. However the lobster fisherman do not consider it a valid case unless a whale is found with ropes in it that have imprinted on them “this rope belongs to Billy Bob and he meant to kill this whale.” We know there are rope mortalities. We know the population is collapsing. Lobster people opposed the regulations that would reduce rope- because they would be expensive. Private businesses decided they no longer wanted to buy those lobsters then- making the lack of action by the lobster industry way more expensive than reducing the ropes would be. In essence they screwed over themselves.


iammabdaddy t1_iyb0wcw wrote

Powerful lobbyists are having their way via legally route and mass media!


Ledge1972 t1_iyarp3i wrote

They are getting put out of business in the name of progress, just like the rest of industry and agriculture that produces meat based protein.


LobsterMan101 t1_iybifpt wrote

Edit: Climate change, warming waters, moving lobster, post COVID economic effects, inflation, gas prices and so on