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determania t1_isfn2c2 wrote

Well, you definitely are not arguing the same point, and you seem to be misunderstanding what I am saying as well. I am not saying to do nothing. I’m saying that your empty platitudes like job training are meaningless when there are no jobs to train for.

Edit: You also might want to revisit what the issue is here. It’s climate change and not overfishing.


meowmix778 t1_isfoqwy wrote

It's cause and effect. If you do nothing then nothing changes. If you invest into an economy then it changes. One of the best ways to do so is re skilling people. Jobs follow talented work forces. It's not this over night change.

And climate change is directly tied to overfishing. Or more broadly the over consumption of resources. We didn't cause climate change by consuming too little.


determania t1_isfpfgm wrote

> Jobs follow talented work forces.

I think you got that one backwards