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photonsarefun t1_is6bkup wrote

I wouldn't be surprised if the coyotes have some wolf dna


Shilo788 t1_iscbej3 wrote

The ones in Canada in the Maritimes do. They are big. I would let someone trap for rhem on my land, they hang around pretty close and constantly try to trick my dogs into the woods to be murdered. My one is 120lbs and the other 80 but that doesn't seem to phase them.


16F4 OP t1_is78mkd wrote

I actually came across an article that stated Maine coyotes have 8% wolf DNA!


IamSauerKraut t1_is7o6so wrote

Coyote with wolf DNA was caught in upstate NY just a couple months ago.


Shilo788 t1_iscbh96 wrote

Ooh source? I would love to read that.