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WangnanJahad t1_iu07749 wrote

When I also was in my 20s I had that same attitude. Then we got eight years of LePage and I regretted every minute of it.

I hope you grow out of your current mindset. I know a lot of people don't. But I like to try and believe in people until they prove me wrong.


RelationshipBig2798 t1_iu0l9io wrote

I'm not on my 20s. I don't like to sugar coat things or have a wishful thinking type attitude. The political system is a joke up and down the board. Orange man vs old senile man same shit outcome. I think janet mills is a idiot and her vaccine mandates are a farce. Forcing people to get a experimental shot that only lasts for 4 months and doesn't stop transmission that's a good move makes sense.