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IamSauerKraut t1_is1exc8 wrote

>I can't believe laborers like lobstermen have the audacity to splurge on luxuries like fancy boats and things that could make them less miserable when the oceans are warming at rapid rates and whales are dying.


The Maine Way would be to bank that money for when the projected hard days arrive instead of spending it like a free-basing liberal. Perhaps you can explain how mindlessly splurging can be "what's best for everyone." Whoever this "everyone" is.


ryoushure t1_is1gs14 wrote

What do you mean?

Go bicker somewhere else. In this thread we are proclaiming our lack of respect for anyone we disagree with and piling on with outrageous hyperbole and hysterical narratives that should be mimicked and repeated unless your not an ally. Your kind aren't welcome here, thinking you are better than others with your privileged "saving" and ownership of things.

Look, these places of prime real estate in one of the most beautiful places in our country, owned by these degenerate racist rednecks, aren't going to put themselves on the market. Our rich overlords or maybe even the benevolent State/Federal welfare institutions could better use that real estate and beautiful coastline to put clean windmills or install multi-family housing to reduce inequities in our society.

Everything we can do to tarnish the reputations of hard working racists and rip them and their families from the lands they stole from the indigoneous peoples is worth it and valid.

Do your part and help destroy their self-proclaimed "sustainable" pillaging of our planet.


IamSauerKraut t1_is1qas1 wrote

Does your non seq verbose uselessness make you feel better about yourself?