Submitted by JimBones31 t3_y0z4hf in Maine

I just wanted to put it out there that I'm a younger voter (28) and I received a lot of postage about elections and I was decidedly against one particular political party. Among the postage was a good bit for Bill Pluecker.

I didn't get a good read on the stance of his politics so I wanted to get a better idea before righting him off. I figured what the heck, I called the number I figured was for his campaign office. It rang and surprisingly, it was his home phone number. I was thrown off and started to leave an awkward message and then he picked up. We talked until I was convinced I could believe in him.

I just want to know that I personally would vote for a representative that is more than happy to put his family home phone on postage and send it to thousands of people.

Edit: sorry, he's the 95th District Representative



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Bywater t1_irur2om wrote

I like how you can often get to talk to and get a feel for your local reps up here. I really wish our national politics were not such a focus and local politics mattered more. It's funny too, because the more you talk to you realize the more they tend to be aligned on about 80% of things regardless of mascot. For sure you get some fuckwit outliers but most of the shit they have us pissed off at each other about is not as decisive as the media makes out.


DidDunMegasploded t1_irv16ck wrote


No, seriously, who? I've only received stuff for Mills, LePage, and Ingwerson. Never heard of this guy.

Which, of course, means I can assume the worst...


ToesocksandFlipflops t1_irvefff wrote

It may be a local rep. I haven't heard of him either.


DidDunMegasploded t1_irvn9eu wrote

Yep. He only covers four or five towns way up north of the state, neither of which I live in.


JimBones31 OP t1_irvmdt2 wrote

Sorry, his district is smaller than I thought. It's basically just Union, Hope, Appleton and parts of Washington.


DidDunMegasploded t1_irvmx36 wrote

Ah, that would explain why I haven't heard of him.


JimBones31 OP t1_irvn2ni wrote

He supports the environment and doesn't believe the election was rigged.


DidDunMegasploded t1_irvnr00 wrote

Well, that's a pretty good start.


JimBones31 OP t1_irvnsmt wrote

Sometimes I feel like the bar is so low.


Jah348 t1_irvpjjk wrote

lol he has both basic understanding of scientific principles and reality? Fuck, here's my vote.

10 years from now we'll just be asking if a candidate can feed themselves.


JimBones31 OP t1_irvq1l3 wrote

10 years from now we'll still be electing the coffins of Trump and Biden 😬


SwvellyBents t1_irvp325 wrote

You mean your local candidates don't go door to door to introduce themselves and discuss topics of interest?

Just recently Eloise Vitelli did just that. Knocked on my back door, introduced herself and asked what concerns I have or what would I like her to take back to Augusta with her. She lives on Arrowsic Island, which is a good distance away from here.

Last election cycle Allison Hepler did the same thing. Several other Democratic candidates have done it in the past. No Republicans, ever.

For the record I'm an Indy, not registered in any party, and live on a 1/2 mile long dirt country road. It takes some effort to reach out this far.


JimBones31 OP t1_irvqawb wrote

Nope! Never met any politicians at my door! But I did meet Sara Gideon when she came in to buy a snack at the convenience store I was working at!


hike_me t1_is0u6tq wrote

My state senator (Nicole Grohoski) knocked on my door to introduce herself and answer any questions I had. Very happy to vote for her.


Jah348 t1_irvj1n0 wrote

I had a fairly similar experience with a green party candidate who came to my door one afternoon. While we didn't agree over everything, particularly the right-to-food which does exactly nothing to guarantee food for people, I very much enjoyed talking with her. Its nice to calmly be able to bring up a few concepts that are necessary to earning my vote, eg., "Do you understand climate change?".


JimBones31 OP t1_irvmroo wrote

Exactly! On the phone with Bill, he didn't want to "polarize the conversation" by saying whether he was in support of Trump policies (which, some may argue that not condemning is the same as supporting), so I asked him other questions, like "Do you support the results of the presidential election?" and "What are your thoughts on alternative energy solutions?".


Tony-Flags t1_irwsxay wrote

He's my local rep, and I've met him a few times. He's a vegetable farmer, family man, generally all around nice guy. He strongly supports local industry, the environment and a woman's right to choose. He's an independent.

His district also includes Warren, which was left out of the other comments. I think he actually lives in Warren, if I remember correctly.


JimBones31 OP t1_irwv5gb wrote

That's really cool! Those are some good stances.


WellImFromNorway t1_irwhbhn wrote

Most state legislators publish their contact info online. For a lot of them, especially the reps, it’s literally just their regular home or cell number. Not sure how many include the number on mailers (or even have mailers) though.


JimBones31 OP t1_irwhg7l wrote

It surprises me that they don't have an office number to give out.


WellImFromNorway t1_irwi5ax wrote

There’s not really that many legislative staffers, not enough to handle all constituent communications anyways. And definitely not campaign staff. So they kind of just have to put themselves out there.