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rothael t1_irqz5kh wrote

My inspection sticker goes on my windshield, by law. Only registration stickers for the license plates. But it's okay you don't know that. I assume daddy always changed your stickers for you.


_Face t1_irrepy9 wrote

Mod on Wall Street bets.


DidDunMegasploded t1_irrfig8 wrote

Well, whatever they're called. Point is, put them on the plate. Hopefully they did after they took the photo.

It takes less than a minute to do. Easy stuff. And it'll save you from getting pulled over and facing the consequences.


DidDunMegasploded t1_irrfsbt wrote

Going straight for the ad hominem? You lost the argument before it even had a chance to get off the ground.

I change my own stickers, thank you. I just had a brain fart. But if you want to sling more insults at me to try and make me cry, go ahead and try. I could use the comedy.

Just lemme sip my flavored water here...


I_can_eat_15_acorns t1_irsainw wrote

I know this guy. He is cool, but seems like an alcoholic and I fear for his health because of that.


Katnipz t1_irsbmlw wrote

I met this guy at a party and he slammed a bottle of Tito's and then nursed a second bottle of coffee brandy the rest of the night.

I swear the man didn't even stumble or slur his words once. Mouth of a saint too, i swear he only let out a single "fudge" all night.


PlentyCommission166 t1_irsi1ic wrote

Jesus Christ stop reaching for a prejudice that isn't there you fucking victim fetish. Power bottoming is a pretty explicit term. That's the whole point of getting it on a license plate, to get a giggle about an explicit thing shown off in public.


PlentyCommission166 t1_irsikvg wrote

Power bottoms like to be in charge while getting fucked up the ass. It's a pretty common gay term for - not quite topping from the bottom, but for a specific sort of demanding sexual partner who knows what they want and will insist on it in bed. It's very explicitly sexual in nature, but niche enough that straights might not get it, which is probably why they used it on their license plate. Good for a giggle. No harm there, more power to them.

But combine reading that with looking at a picture of a kid and dad, and it's kinda gross. Like seeing adds for diapers in your porn feed.


raynedanser t1_irspq8j wrote

Not arguing that, but sometimes shit happens and they may not make it in time - Mine are, but I know real life can be hectic, too. Just commenting that they don't usually bother with only a few days. Months now... They don't like that. ;-)


Emolokz t1_irsqz6y wrote

Sounds like you're reaching, associating power bottom with somehow being linked to the parent and child on the plate? What kind of twisted mindset even tries to affiliate those two things together? Get a life. You made a poor choice of words, reap what you sow, you opened yourself up to being bashed for it.


ChopstickAKAJames t1_irtuoij wrote

A friend here in Maine, who’s gay, has the plate “CUT TOP” on a convertible.


PlentyCommission166 t1_iru1l9d wrote

So you're cool with a sketch of a kid next to a pretty clearly sexual term? 'cause that skeevs me out. It's the sort of bullshit that pushes a boundary that just dosn't need to be pushed, freedom of speech or not.


PlentyCommission166 t1_iru421e wrote

I think maybe you want to argue, and that's about you, not me. I'm ok with being skeeved out by this. The fact that it doesn't bother you doesn't mean you're a pedo, and it doesn't mean you're somehow enlightened. It just means it doesn't bother you. But the fact that it does bother me doesn't mean I'm homophobic, and it doesn't make me evil or someone who needs to be attacked. And you don't get that because you want to fight a good fight and hurt someone who you think deserves it. And that does say something about you.

Maybe think about why you want this argument.


PlentyCommission166 t1_irvbmfs wrote

I know what you are. You're super sensitive to any possible percieved insult, any possible hint of a bias. And willing to lash out at it. And unwilling to accept anything at all which might be considered even slightly critical of what you defend, no matter how justified.

Maybe consider that this is not the hallmark of healthy confidence?


brian_nyg t1_irw3473 wrote

I think the disconnect is the plate is inherently sexual in nature. If it were about the identity of being gay only, no issue, but this plate is explicitly about sex.