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CapitanLanky t1_irpip4u wrote

My comment is not minimizing trade jobs, I just want to say there are also other options besides BIW, other trades, and teaching.

Teachers have a lot of different skill sets when you start to look at how to apply them elsewhere- public speaking and communication being pretty high up there. If you're willing to switch career paths, you could also consider something that utilizes that.

I myself am a (currently) ex-music teacher (30 years old). I now work as a beer salesman for a craft brewery. One of my coworkers was a language teacher just last year and is now one of the managers. We make comparable money to what we did with a FRACTION of the mental stress and room for career growth as the company grows. Even the owner was a professor track grad student teaching university classesSide note- Brewing is a pretty big industry in Maine and you could apply your science world knowledge to a new skill set (I know biology isn't Chem, but the processes are simple).

Sounds like you're a bit at the end of your rope with the school system situation, and I remember being there. My advice- if you can take a lateral move or a slight pay cut, take a job that's less mentally taxing so you can figure out what you might want to do!