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New-Work-139 t1_irogt9x wrote

Have you explored other professions that aren’t the trades and that better leverage your existing skill set? For example, working at an educational non profit or educational services firm like Pearson? This is probably a better long-term use of your skills.


grrgrr99 t1_irowozr wrote

Piggybacking here to say with my curriculum chops and the MLTI I was able to transition to my own online school hosted by Teachable with all my content videos hosted on Vimeo. I worked part time while my daughter was 0-5 and made the same as half time teaching in the district except everything was on my terms all the time and I did it in my pjs. I teach adults how to make botanical art and my clients are well educated women with their own money and time to create beautiful things. Pandemic gave me an assist with the online learning boom to keep WFH people occupied. If you can write curricula and have a niche start now and develop intellectual property for adults to purchase and learn from. It’s fantastic. Black Friday is my favorite day of the year. I release a bunch of new courses and folks go bananas. It’s all online. I don’t have a home studio. My courses range from 65-299 USD. Teachable once said their most successful course creator did a seminar on raising goats. So dude. Anything is possible.