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saigonk t1_iuj2wvn wrote

Reply to comment by ozzie286 in In the Maine News? by SobeysBags

Well, if the gun was "gifted" to the shooter and he wasn't a US Citizen then the person who did so is in violation of federal law and should be punished. That is unless the receiving person who is not a citizen possessed a valid hunting license, in which case he/she can possess that firearm.

He admitted to it directly, yet here we are with nothing happening. Also, I suspect the "he stole the other two" line isn't sitting well with the RCMP as they probably dont believe him.


ozzie286 t1_iuj8bpa wrote

A) it is not illegal for a US resident to give a Canadian resident a gun. There is a procedure for it, which afaics was not followed.
B) That's federal law, not state. ATF, which is a federal agency, is obviously aware and has declined to prosecute him. Ask them for answers, not r/Maine.
C) we're not talking about a black market arms dealer here. We're talking about a guy who trusted someone enough to invite them into their home, work on their home, and gift them a firearm. This is not the crime of the century, it's a procedural oversight.