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Myxomatosiss t1_itqyq58 wrote

It's probably an increase in congestion. People will stay in the left lane if there is another car coming up they need to pass. At a certain level of congestion, this just leaves them in the left lane permanently.


Impooter t1_itt4dux wrote

That is what keeps me in the left lane. I do speed up though, sometimes as high as 90 for a bit just because some people decide that 80-85 is not sufficient and ride my bumper as if I'm doing 30.

If I'm building a line I'll move back over but it's not often that happens. But then I'm stuck behind someone doing 65 for several minutes because as soon as I get over, the line that was behind me slows down. Then I realize that they were only going that speed because I was in front of them, and they don't want the ticket if there's cop ahead.

It's a psychological game...