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KYazut t1_itpqgzn wrote

Folks shouldn’t be camping in the left lane because it risks emergency vehicles getting stuck behind traffix but neither is the left lane a place for folks to consistently speed, which is what I’m guessing most folks who are annoyed at left lane campers are actually angry about.


CPgang OP t1_itps34w wrote

Speeding isn’t right but letting someone speed is safer than intentionally blocking them leading to possible road rage


FITM-K t1_itptgu1 wrote

Do you have any evidence that's actually true?

It might be, but "letting someone speed" is dangerous too since there's a correlation between high speed and accidents.

Edit: I mean evidence that letting someone speed is safer in general. Obviously it is safer for you, the driver of the car being passed. I was asking about the overall road injury/fatality rate for both options.


CPgang OP t1_itptvc2 wrote

True, I have absolutely zero tangible evidence but humans are dangerous and unpredictable when angry, and I’d rather let a maniac get pulled over or crash than put myself and that person in danger by staying in front of them. Callous? Maybe, but that’s my opinion.


JustDubbinAround t1_itqgyrl wrote

It seems pretty much common sense. Defensive driving is all about reacting safely to all the people out there who don't follow the rules. Speeding drivers behind you? They have already decided that they don't care about the rules, or about the danger they are creating for themselves and others on the road. What's the best way to mitigate the risk to yourself and your passengers?

A. Prevent them from passing you, leading to them unsafely tailgating you and possibly slamming into the back of you if Bullwinkle decides he wants to play on the Interstate today.

B. Let them pass, leading to them speeding off and getting far away from you.

Road rage is a separate issue altogether. But in my mind, if someone is in such a hurry that they are disregarding the rules of the road, then I'd rather have them in front of me than behind me. I trust myself to avoid crashing into them more than I trust them to avoid crashing into me.

Additionally, the right-hand lane is the safest lane on an Interstate highway (unless you're near an active entrance). The middle lane has you surrounded by cars on all sides. The left lane has cars to your right and a ditch or barrier to your left. The left lane is also where you are most likely to meet a wrong-way driver (and we do get them from time to time in Maine).

The right lane, though, has cars on your left, but the break down lane to your right, and so is the best place to be in terms of leaving yourself a potential escape route if things suddenly go awry in front of you.

Really, there is no reason at all to be any further left than necessary on the Interstate in Maine. It's generally safest to keep right, and it's the law wherever the speed limit is 65 or more.


FITM-K t1_itqs5ek wrote

I was asking about which was safer in general (i.e. leads to fewer injuries/accidents overall), not which was safer specifically for the driver of the car being passed. Obviously, if the only concern is your own safety, letting speeders pass is the safer approach.

> Additionally, the right-hand lane is the safest lane on an Interstate highway (unless you're near an active entrance).

"Unless" is doing a lot of work in that sentence, lol. It doesn't look like that's true, though. Crunch the data and it turns out the right lane is actually the least safe -- it's the slowest, yes, but also the most crowded and the one people are filtering in and out of for exits and entrances every few miles.

That said, I still prefer to travel in the right lane in most cases, and it's worth mentioning that the data above was accidents, rather than only serious or fatal accidents. The left lane had WAY fewer accidents, but I would imagine if it was limited to just fatal accidents the data might look different.


JustDubbinAround t1_itr76h6 wrote

I'll look at the study a bit more later, but as far as whether letting folks go is overall safer, I think that it is. The motorway fatality rate in Germany, for example, is only 1.74 per billion vehicle-km traveled. In the UK, it is 1.16. In the US, it is 3.38 (stats pulled from Wikipedia).

In the US, lane discipline is virtually non-existent. In fact, in my experience, Mainers are better about it than the rest of the east coast. People in other states just hang out in whatever lane they want on a multi-lane highway, and pass on whatever side they want, and it gets significantly worse if there are more than two lanes. In Germany and the UK, though, they are more strict about it. You only pass on the driver's side, and you move back over when done. No passing on the passenger's side allowed.

So, while I can't claim that getting out of the way is specifically what leads to the lower crash rates overall, there does appear to be a correlation. Of course, they also have stricter licensing standards in general, and bad drivers can take the bus or the train and stay off the roads, which is not really an option in most of the USA, so there's definitely more than one factor at play.


WikiSummarizerBot t1_itr78el wrote



>In 2014, autobahns carried 31% of motorized road traffic while accounting for 11% of Germany's traffic deaths. The autobahn fatality rate of 1. 6 deaths per billion travel-kilometres compared favorably with the 4. 6 rate on urban streets and 6.

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BeholderBalls t1_itq25z3 wrote

Oh boo just stuff it. Speeding is going to happen. Some people are comfortable traveling slightly over the speed limit and have places to be / don’t like to be stuck behind somebody unnecessarily. Bottom line: blocking traffic is more dangerous than speeding


benjamintuckerII t1_itq7zkb wrote

The issue is with people doing 90 tailgating people going 75-80 using the PASSING lane properly. They tailgate everyone and then continue to cruise in the left lane even when they have every ability to move over to the right lane.


optifreebraun t1_itqc8h9 wrote

The way I see it, if some guy is doing 90 mph and is on my tail, I'll move over to avoid being entangled in an accident. The cops can deal with his flagrant violation of the law.


benjamintuckerII t1_itqd48y wrote

That's just using the passing lane properly. If you can move over, you need to move over.


optifreebraun t1_itqdtsi wrote

Well, yeah I agree - my point is to people who are upset that they are already doing 80 and a car doing 90 comes up behind them. Just move over - you can avoid an accident and (if the traffic violation bothers you) law enforcement nominally should deal with this issue instead of you.

As an aside, the lane discipline in most of Europe is amazing - and on the autobahn, I've had the pleasure of cruising at 120 mph (200 kph) in the right lane and being overtaken like I was standing still by an Audi or Mercedes station wagon (it was so fast I couldn't tell which!) on the left.


Blicero1 t1_itqdu2k wrote

They are going to go 90. I'd rather know where they are and what they're up to then have them blow by in the right lane because some jackhole is camping over in the left at 68 mph.


KYazut t1_itr97lu wrote

Speeders and left laner campers are both dangerous and both breaking the law. I could care less whether you like one group better than the other.


optifreebraun t1_itqc2ov wrote

I think it's just simple politeness and manners - if someone needs or wants to go faster than me and I am in the left lane, I will move over for them unless I am also actively overtaking cars on my right.

I see it the way I see aisles at a supermarket - sure I have the "right" to block an aisle with me and my cart, but if I see someone wanting to get by, I'll move over to the side for them.


JustDubbinAround t1_itqld3o wrote

I drive the speed limit everywhere. I stay to the right unless passing or required to use a different lane to follow my route, whether the law actually requires it of me or not. I still get annoyed by left and middle lane campers, as they also seem to like camping out in my "blind" spots.

"Shit or get off the pot!" is what I most often find myself saying to them when they are hovering alongside like that. Adjust my speed to give myself some space on the side, and they'll be back to my blind spot in short order, like moths to a flame.